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Water System Improvement Projects

07/30/2024: WSI 2024-2 Water System Improvements – Roseland Drive (70th to 72nd street)

The Roseland Drive water main replacement project, from 70th to 72nd Street, is anticipated to start the week of August 5th, 2024 and be completed by November 15th, 2024.  Throughout the construction period, temporary traffic control will be in place to allow the contractor the space needed to complete the project.  This will include closing Roseland Drive.

As part of this project, some properties driveways will also be removed and replaced.  The contractor will communicate with the individual property owners regarding driveway approach removals to allow continued access to your home.  Following completion of water main installation associated concrete work, the disturbed areas will be restored and sod will be placed and watered.  The sequence of events is as follows:

  1. Water Main Installation
  2. Flushing, testing, and sampling of new water main
  3. Service line transfer of customers to the new main
  4. Tie existing water mains to new water mains

Besides the excavation of Roseland Drive the length of the project from 70th to 72nd Street, customers may also have some excavation in their yards.  This is to facilitate the transfer of their water service from the old water main to the new water main.  The last phase is final grading and sodding.

The Urbandale Water Utility will provide a minimum 24-hour notice to any planned interruption of your water service.  We will make every attempt to contact you when the work is proposed to minimize your inconvenience.

For more information, please contact Rob Light, Project Inspector, at or 515-331-6839.